
For more informations and booking requests we are at your service.

Locanda Genzianella

Locanda Genzianella

Via dei Patrioti, 40
25084 Gargnano (BS), Italy
Tel (0039) 0365 71133


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in the surroundings

From our inn you can easely reach:

Gargnano - 18km (30 min)
Sasso - Eremo di S. Valentino - 10km (20min)
Tremosine - 42km (1h)
Limone sul Garda - 35km (50 min)
Riva del Garda - 45km (1h)
Gardone Riviera - Il Vittoriale - 35Km (50min)

For more informations send us a mail filling the following form. We'll answer you as soon as possible.

I'm at least 16 years old, I have read the privacy policy and authorize the processing of my personal data (GDPR 2016/679/EU).
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